Holy Fuckin' Train Wreck - The Teen Group Chat
Holy Fuckin Train Wreck - The Teen Group Chat
Is your teen/tween on a WhatsApp/Messanger group chat with friends; maybe even their entire year group?
The answer is probably yes.
If you haven't already, I challenge you to sit down with their phone and take a look. The majority of the time it will be silly hi's, emoji's, random statements and nothing substantial. One time a group of teens forgot I was on their chat as they talked about a school dance, boys, and love. That warmed my heart and made me laugh but sometimes (more than I think you could imagine) they will make fun of each other.
These adorable kiddos use inappropriate language (the word Fuck, Cunt, WTF, random, White Girl, Bitch and Bite Me ... are just daily words they use). They also post memes that would make your hair stand on end.
Kicking friends off the group and adding them back on is a fact that is known among teens while yet others will engage in a fight for the position of THE ADMIN; that very esteemed leader who has 'the say' on if you are 'in' or 'out' on a group chat. Next comes the name of the group; Holly Fucking Train Wreck is just one example of a group I've come across. Sometimes I roll my eyes and laugh. Other times I will sit down and talk to my kids about the impact of words.
Conversation with your kids about what you see online from both adults and teens is essential! Trust me adults make some crazy names too!
Most importantly teach them to ask themselves these questions everytime they write on a group.
Is it honest?
Is it kind?
Is it necessary?
Now ask yourself these questions too. Are you on a parenting/sports or work WhatsApp group? Do the adults follow these rules? I know that I get way too many messages on any group I enter.
I don't write much precisely because I ask myself these questions and I think we would all have more time and be happier if we followed the simple task of asking ourselves each time we write these simple three questions.
–Allison Ochs, Social Worker M.S.W. , Coach, Expat, Mother of three, Wife
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Photo by Darwin Vegher on Unsplash