Vacation For Parents: Workaction

 Vacation For Parents: Workaction

This is the first week my kids are off school. My to-do list is enormous, and it just got bigger. Every summer I make the same mistake; I think I am going to get a lot done and somehow I do, but I end up having NO time for myself. Between reorganizing rooms, spring cleaning, summer plans, packing, and festivities,....I am not getting 'my things' done. You know those selfish things that you do just for yourself, like read a book or play the piano.

The first year I was a mother I was frustrated with my vacation. I complained violently to my Mom declaring "This isn't a holiday; this is still hard work."  She laughed a bit, "Ummm dear, vacation for a Mother is just a change of scenery and rhythm, don't plan on a real vacation or you will set yourself up for disappointment." 

Was I was naive when I packed two books and put them in my suitcase? I had also promised myself I would practice the piano every day for the next few weeks. So far this hasn't happened.

My kids are teens and older. Tonight I am going to have them read my post and maybe.... just maybe I will have more 'me time' and get that reading done and play my beautiful piano.

This summer my work will carry on; my life just became more intense, more relaxed, frustrating, but also unbelievably enjoyable. Summer is here, I am on workaction....Enjoy!


—Allison Ochs Social Worker M.S.W. , Coach, Expat, Mother of three, Wife

Photo by Ostap Senyuk on Unsplash