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The VW Bus

The VW Bus - The Big Family Series Continues...


As a kid  I was  one of 11!  It was interesting to say the least and my Mom was a real manager, a micro manager.


Have you ever seen little Miss Sunshine? I laughed so hard watching that movie. The part that had me rolling was the VW bus and the family pushing it to pop the clutch while running after it. Yup, I did this. Time and time again. Some of the time we had a perfectly running VW bus but when it didn’t work right and we were low on money my Dad made it work. We all used to say my Dad can’t fix anything but he can sure make it work with a bit of chewing gum and scotch tape. The days of piling a bunch of kids into a car without seatbelts are over and I agree with seat belts but boy do I have great memories of laughing and playing in the back seat of that car with my siblings. Sometimes we fought but not always and we talked, listened to the radio and played silly games.

I used to always make my kids play games in the car. I gave in a few years ago and let them watch movies but not the whole trip. Driving through scenic Arizona to visit my Grandma and watching the scenery pass by while daydreaming about Indians or other stories is something I remember. I love the ease of the TV but make sure your kids turn it off  for some of the road trip and talk and take in the beautiful world around them. They won’t remember the trip otherwise and that is what a trip is for.